Monday, November 23, 2009

List of Things I did today

Today’s List of Things I Did:
-Wake up late
-Get out of Bed thirty minutes later
-Drink two cups of coffee
-Catch up on "How I Met Your Mother"
-Catch up on "Accidentally on Purpose"
-Catch up on "The Office"
-Curse TV Shack for not allowing me to catch up on "30 Rock"
-Make delicious and healthy Chicken Soup
-Eat soup for lunch
-Eat soup for snack
-Reheat soup and eat for dinner
-Do some Kakuro puzzles
-Eat some pepernoten with Nutella
-Clean kitchen
-Change out of my pajamas into pajamas
-Talk to Lily to attempt to figure out how to add money on my dutch-speaking prepaid phone - fail
-Listen to the wind and rain outside my window
-Obsessively check my email
-Upload pictures from my camera
-Get some Christmas shopping done on the UK Amazon
-Watch and increase my new found love for "Frasier"
-Make plans to be more productive tomorrow

Word of the day: televisiekijken - watch television

1 comment:

  1. pepernoten met is nutella erg lekker!! wat een leuk lazy maandag!


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